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It is the people and culture in your organisation that will make the difference. Let POSITIVE EFFECT, and our associates, help you make it a positive difference, one that leads to success and creates the ultimate competitive advantage.

Success is driven by skilled and motivated staff who understand that leadership is not hierarchical and is more than being a good manager. Let POSITIVE EFFECT bring the people in your organisation to a 'higher-place', to a place where leaders create leaders and innovation is just part of the culture. 

Where everyone understands that they are packing a colleagues parachute, and there are people packing theirs. In this culture positive working relationships and mutual understanding, built on corporate knowledge and accountability is common place, and good customer service is, well ..... just not enough.
Glen Hoppo    
With over a quarter of a century of volunteer work with Rotary International I have gained knowledge and experience that I could not gain in any other way. I apply the 4WAY TEST in all business dealings.    
    Of the things we think, say or do
      1.Is it the TRUTH? 
      2.Is it FAIR to all concerned? 
      3.Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 
      4.Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? 
Good leaders network, they are continually learning through association, association with groups of likeminded people, they go to school with the winners at every opportunity. At Positive Effect we network through key associations so that we can provide the best skills and experience to the people in your organisation, some of these associations are shown below with the.

I am currently facilitating classes for the Diploma of Management at the Management And Resorce Centre in Adelaide [MARC]. This professional training organisation has a strong focus on practical learning and workplace application which aligns with Positive Effect philosophies.

As a mentor since the inception of the in-business Young Business Leaders SA (YBL) Program I feel I have assisted the career development of many young professionals. I commend the program as one that definitely provides professional and personal leadership development through intensive training and practical application.

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Tuckerbox sessions
The Geese
Your Details
Contact POSITIVE EFFECT for further information about training programsin house workshopsSeminar and conference presentations, business consulting.
POSITIVE EFFECT      Phone: 61411547853
PO Box 403  Magill   SA   5072     Australia  
                        POSITIVE EFFECT was established in 1996 by Glen Hopo with the aim of introducing into public                            and private organisations the critical people skills ssential for success.

                        Organisational success in today's rapidly changing corporate environment will not come only from a focus on the bottom line and high levels of technology - it will depend on people, their competence, creativity, commitment and the synergy gained through working together as a team. 

It is the ability to develop strong, enthusiastic leaders across all levels who are innovative, understand that real leaders create leaders not followers, and are ongoing students that will ensure the organisation is always ahead of the competition.

The POSITIVE EFFECT 'People Series'  seminars and training workshops aim to support organisations to fully realise the potential of their most expensive and valuable resource, their people. 

The 'People Series' seminars are cost effective to encourage maximum participation and present practical information so that all participants can take away ideas and concepts that will lead to improvements in their work place. Testimonials from past participants highlight the value of attending a POSITIVE EFFECT event.

The information and skill presented by POSITIVE EFFECT facilitators is based on extensive practitioner experience, national and international study, and corporate needs identified by working closely with people at all levels in private industry, local government and state government organisations. 

POSITIVE EFFECT can provide accredited and non-accredited training and workshops to meet the needs in contemporary business environments. If time is an issue check out our Tucker Box program, or ask us to design the program and topic around your specific needs.

Glen Hoppo

Tucker Box  is a another successful  'People Series' program that provides short,  workshops in stand-alone, interactive 90 minute sessions that can be run over lunch, extended morning and afternoon tea or one hour breakfast gatherings.

How can they be integrated into your organisational development programs?

Tucker Box enquiry
Leadership is not a "nice-to-have", it is critical to realising your organisation's full potential, it's not management, and it is not genetic.

There are basics leadership attributes.


introduce these basic leadership attribues to your organisation, and devlop the leaders you need to succeed 

 Contact us for more information about a dedicated seminar or work place training program.

Contact us for more information
IDHT Virus
Has your business been infected ?
An IDHT outbreak reduces morale productivity, and performance and if not treated can negatively impact safety, the bottom line and your reputation.

The IDHT [I Don’t Have Time] virus is popping up in many organisations, private and public – large and small. 

An unfortunate side effect can take hold, when being too busy is a status symbol, particularly in leadership positions.

However, there is a cure!  It starts with awareness of the virus, identifying its cause/s and a senior level commitment to act. Then a range of anti-viral skills  and behaviours.

Let POSITIVE EFFECT help you. 

What really matters is what we do next!
What's New?
About us
GOLDNetwork is a community of SA-based business people, developed with support from in-business media resources. GOLDNetwork exists to help members find new business contacts and create new business opportunities.
Glen Hoppo principal

After enjoying a successful career in domestic electronics Glen went in search of where, in successful organisations, he could have the most influence. This journey took him directly to management training including industrial psychology, and a broad range of governance, leadership and team motivation studies. It was clear to him that all worthwhile achievements were caused by people, not technology or finances, or procedures and policies. 

With this knowledge and practical management experience he organised personal trips to the US, and Europe to gain experience from the leadership training programs of successful ‘people leadersip’ and ‘customer service’ organisations, e.g. Disney, FedEx, Nordstrums, Neiman Marcus, Kramp Groep, Philips, Carl Sewell, Johnsonville foods and many others. Glen was able to combine this knowledge with years of local experience to accept senior change management contracts in public and private corporations in Australia.

In 1996 he registered POSITIVE EFFECT business training and consultation, as an opportunity to share his knowledge through formal accredited teaching, conference presentations, public seminars and in-house workshops. He still growing POSITIVE EFFECT with new programs that include the ‘People Series’ workshops and seminars, which address a range of leadership skills in half and full day interactive workshops and the Tucker Box program,  short, cost effective in-house sessions that can be run individually or linked into regular monthly programs.
His community contribution includes Rotary, past president - and member for over 25 years; SA Great School mentoring program; Board member of Asthma SA; Mentor for the prestigious Young Business Leaders SA program; and membership of several customer service associations. 

It’s time for leaders in public and private organisations to realise that the people who provide service to customers are not Customer Service Representatives; they are Custodians of Image and Reputation. This change in language will create a corporate mindset that positively impacts on employees, customers and the bottom-line.
They're not customer service representatives.
Employees in customer contact positions will now be more carefully selected; they will have the important attributes of commitment to customer relationships, empathy, consistency and accuracy and all those other key customer service attributes like being comfortable with strangers, however they will also have the capacity to lead an interaction, be a decision maker, accept accountability and understand the corporate vision, mission and values.

Organisations that understand this true role of a customer service representative demonstrate a stronger focus on employee support and motivation. Skill training and refreshment is not a once in decade activity but an ongoing program that enhances the corporate customer service culture. They regularly monitor and measure their image & reputation index.
All employees representing the organisation must have these twin capacities, image and reputation.

Leaders in these organisations demonstrate three key employee motivation factors and ensure they are part of the corporate culture.